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Column Dimensions

The column dimension area appears directly underneath the slicer dimension area (see Slicer Area (Table View)). The members of the column dimension appear on the column headers along the top of the data area. The column dimension members are the same color as the column dimension tile.

Any dimension can be placed in the column dimension area. You can have more than one column dimension by nesting one dimension inside another.

You can move and nest dimensions in either of the following ways:

The name of the column dimension appears in the column dimension tile.

The names of the column dimension members appear in the column headers, across the top of the data area.

If a dimension or a dimension member has summary information associated with it, an "Info" icon appears after its name. You can click the icon to view the summary.

If a column dimension or dimension member has footnotes, footnote symbols appear in brackets after its name. You can hover over the footnote indicator with your mouse cursor to read the footnotes in a pop-up.

The following symbols appear in column headers:

In this section:

Ranking Data Values

Top/Bottom Reduction