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Slicer Area (Table View)

The slicer area appears at the top of the dimension area of a table or preview chart page, just below the pagination area. It displays the message "Drag dimensions here so they do not show as a row or column in table".

This example shows the "Sales Territory" in the slicer area.

Slicer dimensions do not appear on the rows or columns of a report, but the data from the active members of the slicers is included in the report's values.

Moving dimensions to the slicer dimension area

You can move dimensions in and out of the slicer area in either of the following ways:

Working with slicer dimensions

The name of a slicer dimension appears first in its dimension tile. The name of the active dimension member appears after the dimension name, separated by a dash.

To select a different dimension member to be the active member of a slicer dimension, do one of the following:

If a dimension or a dimension member has summary information associated with it, an "info" icon appears after its name. You can click the icon to view the summary.