Downloading Report Data
To open the Download report data dialog, do one of the following:
- Click Download report data on the toolbar of a table.
- Select File menu > Download report data.
To download a report's data to your computer or to a colleague's Email, select a download format, a data format (and optionally an Email address) and then click OK.
The following download formats are provided:
- CSV - Comma-delimited or semicolon-delimited ASCII format. A Windows Save As dialog box appears. Choose a file name and location, and then click Save.
- XML - XML Spreadsheet for Excel. Reports saved in this format resemble the original report in their colors and formatting. Choose a Data Format and click OK. For more information, see Data Format (below).
This option creates an XML file for use with MS Excel 2003 or later. Note that files saved in this format cannot be opened by earlier versions of Excel.
Note: To preserve server resources, there are site limits for the number of data cells that can be downloaded to each format. The download limit is set by the site administrator. If your report exceeds the limit, you will have to remove some selections to reduce its size.
Information regarding Downloading to XML and CSV
Data Formats:
- One worksheet per report (.xml only) - If chosen, the resulting .xml file opens in Excel as a workbook with the REPORT worksheet showing all the report's dimensions.
- One worksheet per 2-dimensional data slice (.xml only) - If chosen, the resulting .xml file opens in Excel as a workbook with a REPORT_# worksheet for each 2-dimensional data slice in the report.
- Multi-dimensional (.csv only) – if chosen, the resulting .csv file resembles the layout of the Perspective report and preserves any multi-dimensionality that may be contained along the rows and/or columns.
- List format – If selected, a report generates one numeric Excel worksheet or.csv file that contains one record for each combination of non-measure dimensions. The data columns contain cell values - one per measure if a measures dimension is present, or one per cell. Suppression, sort, reduction and ranking are ignored if this format is selected.
- Sparse list format - If selected, empty rows and columns (those that contain no data values) will be eliminated from the Excel worksheet. Otherwise this format is the same as the List format.